Asda in Pill

We are very excited to share the news with you that the Asda Superstore in Pill Newport have chosen us as one of their charities to support throughout July and August through their green token scheme.

The Green Token Scheme is when customers receive a green token when they go through their checkouts. Asda then asks customers to vote for a local cause on their community board, which is located near the customer services desk.

Customers simply have to place their green token in the container of their chosen charity to cast their vote, and the local cause with the most votes will receive £200 and the two runner-up causes will each receive £50.

We are incredibly grateful to Asda for choosing to support our cause. If successful, £200 would help create so many Precious Memories for families caring for a Terminally ill Child/Young Person. If you shop in Asda, please take a second to take one of their counters and vote for us. Voting is now open and will close at the end of August. Please collect a green token at the checkout and vote for us to help support these families!


Posted in Ieuan The Lion News